Hi👋! I'm Tadeo,
a junior UX/UI developer


I am a young individual eager to enter the job market with a degree in web application development and demonstrate the value of my knowledge. I am proficient and stand out in teamwork and coordination with other colleagues at the workplace. I work daily on my own programming projects in NODE JS, HTML, CSS, and others oriented towards both backend and frontend development.


  • TECH
  • CODE



    1. JavaScript
    2. Development varius webs and content with this language, being one of my strongest skill, I really love to program and use this.

        1. NodeJS
        2. I code in this technology for private applications on a telegram bot that has multiple functionalities as API retrieving, sending messages, message moderation, command recognition with REGEX sentences and more.

            1. CSS3
            2. All my webs, including this one, has been made with most css, animation, media detection and aesthetics for better interaction and feeling to the user.

                1. HTML5
                2. The most important tag language for nowadays development, I have a long knowledge since is need it for creaeing the body of websites. I'm able to modify other versions of HTML and adapt them to HTML5 if is needed.

                    1. Java
                    2. I had an entire module on my superior degree that was entirely focused on JAVA development, I've got the most important knowledge for improving on OOP.

                        1. PHP
                        2. Most that I know of php is thanks to UDEMY courses. I learn for API development and not that much for web development. Even though I have the basics for working perfectly with this language if need it.

                            1. SQL
                            2. I've spent a full year learning database structure, scripting and querries. Is the most important language when you need to store and access data from MYSQL or ORACLE databases, that's why I've been woring so long with this one.

                                1. Python
                                2. Being one of the best for begginers, I learn in this language, but it turns that it wasn't what I looked for, even though, I made proyects like image detection on screen, autocliking when detect an element, a bot for some games that I played and some other mini-proyects for my own use.


                              • Save the Children

                                07/2022 - 03/2023


                                In this job position I had the satisfaction of working with children of all ages. I was in charge of managing activities and organizing them. At the same time, he trained and reviewed content for the most needy minors.

                              • iBroke Ireland

                                03/2023 - 06/2023


                                I have been the manager of the company's website, database manager data and in charge of repair and configuration of company and client devices. At the same time I repaired phones like iPhone of all ranges and I was in charge of inventory management for the company

                              • MC Donalds

                                01/2024 - Nowadays


                                As a student I worked meanwhile, this work wasn't that hard an I really liked the group environment that it have. Teamwork in this pleace is mandatory because we are all one, if one fail we all fail, that is why I enjoy working with them.


                              • Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Webs

                                09/2023 - actual

                                IES Juan De Garay

                                I am currently studying web programming where I study languages such as in depth such as JAVA, HTML5, CSS, JS, SQL and in the following PHP course. Despite having knowledge of these languages, I continue learning them presenting myself with more challenges so I can always go further.

                              • Técnico de Sistemas Microinformáticos y redes

                                09/2021 - 06/2023

                                IES El Grao

                                Acquisition of HTML, CSS, JS programming knowledge along with the professional management of systems such as Windows, Windows Server, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server. Among others, I have been taught equipment maintenance classes.

                              • Monitor de Ocio y Tiempo Libre

                                1/08/2021 - 30/08/2021

                                Universidad de Montemorelos

                                They gave me the knowledge to interact with people of all age ranges for better leisure management along with others. Among the classes taught, I have been trained to perform and schedule activities in different environments and situations.

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